your welcome. I'm to concerned with bad english at times. Thats what their always telling me, to loose the attitude.
has anyone had feelings or experiences on the field where what happened seemed only to be from one source - divine?
your welcome. I'm to concerned with bad english at times. Thats what their always telling me, to loose the attitude.
is the wtbts preparing the r and f for a large doctrinal change?.
the july 15th watchtower is dealing with murmuring?.
subheadings 'an evil assembly murmurs against jehovah'.
The'faithful slave' may eventually publish something that answers our questions and clears up our doubts.
Hmm, that old lie. The 'faithful slave' publishes nothing at all, is not consulted at all - DOES NOT EXERCISE ANY POWER over the 'belongings' in any way!
How come it took me so many years to see that blindingly obvious fact?
has anyone had feelings or experiences on the field where what happened seemed only to be from one source - divine?
experiences on the field
On the field? Sounds like Babel all over again...
religious magazine used in evidence-tampering plot.
by jill taylor.
Religious magazine used in evidence-tampering plot
By Jill Taylor
Friday, June 02, 2006
STUART — A gathering of winged angels adorns the cover of a religious magazine that was used as the coded key for an alleged murder-for-hire and witness-tampering plot, Martin County sheriff's investigators say.
Detectives arrested inmate Anthony Rotella on Thursday on an evidence-tampering charge after he used a code he created from a paragraph in a Jehovah's Witnesses Watchtower magazine to arrange payment for the theft of his computer hard drive, which was in evidence in a Martin County child pornography case against him.
Rotella, 43, was told he was paying $300 to have someone steal the hard drive from the sheriff's evidence room, and he allegedly implied he would pay more to have his former attorney and a 7-year-old boy killed. The boy is a witness in a St. Lucie County case in which Rotella is accused of offering the boy $20 to have sex with him in a restroom at the Port St. Lucie Super Wal-Mart.
Rotella can be heard on tape making arrangements by providing his sister with a numeric code based on numbers for each letter in a paragraph of the magazine article.
"It's not The DaVinci Code, but interesting how he came about to do it," said Sgt. John Silvas, who investigated the case.
Rotella was being held at the Martin County jail in lieu of $750,000 bail on the pornography charge and an additional $750,000 bail on the new charge.
Authorities say he originally contacted another inmate about the plot, who reported the plan to authorities in October and cooperated in the investigation.
Telephone and visiting-room conversations are subject to monitoring and taping, and more than 450 of Rotella's were recorded, records show.
Silvas said he heard Rotella giving his sister a string of numbers in several February calls but he did not know what they meant until the sister told Rotella she couldn't figure out what he was asking her to do. He had to explain the code in detail, including which Watchtower magazine to check and which page contained the key paragraph, detectives said.
He gave instructions for a money order to be sent to a post office box for a "package" that then would be destroyed, but he did not tell his sister exactly what it was, and Silvas said he does not expect to charge her.
"It's amazing," Silvas said. "I've never had anything like this."
No details of the plans the informant mentioned ever came out in the calls, and Rotella has not been charged with any murder plots, but attorney Robert Udell was notified that he was a possible target.
Contacted Thursday, Udell said he represented Rotella very briefly following his arrest, but Rotella fired him early in the case.
"Clients don't usually threaten to kill me until after we lose," Udell joked. "I like publicity, but I didn't plan this."
It's the fifth time in recent years that Martin County jail inmates have solicited what they thought were either hit men or corrupt cops to break the law. In each case, the deals were done with undercover officers posing as bad guys and the inmates have faced new charges.
this has got to be one of the silliest things i've had happen in a bit:
i wrote steve searle ([email protected]) who has literature for sale on e-bay (marley coles books on cd) and on his website at
Besides I don't think the society would want him to sell literature on eBay. Heaven forbid someone else besides them make money.
This guy is making money through his relationship with other JW's. The WT actively discourages such activity. He is self-righteous but ignores the orders/suggestions of his own Org. There is a word for that...ah yes...HYPOCRITE
washington, d.c. - president bush said last night that he will deploy 8,000 spanish-speaking jehovah's witnesses to the mexican border to help stop the flow of illegal immigrants into the united states.... .
WASHINGTON, D.C. - President Bush said last night that he will deploy 8,000 Spanish-speaking Jehovah's Witnesses to the Mexican border to help stop the flow of illegal immigrants into the United States...
just wanted to start a topic on an event that will occur sometime later this year - namely my sister is to be married.
she is a witness as is her boyfriend, none of his family are in but only myself and my dad are not (he has never joined) from my sister imediate family.
so i was wondering what to expect, what experiences people here have had being someone who has left and then later been disfellowshipped, and then finding they might be invited to a witness wedding?
She is no longer a JW, however, both bros are reinstated and they treat her like the crap she treated them.
LOL now that is ironic!
I was told I could go to my son's wedding, but I had to sit at the back away from the rest of the family. It was a requirement. I had to enter as it started and leave right after. No way was I allowed to the reception, and nor will you be............
I chose not to go at all, because both son and new daughter-in-law had such a big attitude about it.
They visited me to collect their wedding present a day or two later, drank a coffee - eating is not allowed (Literal reading of the scripture - LOL) and left. After that, nothing. They could be dead for all I know. If you DA, as I did, or get DF'd, it can rip apart your family. To those not baptized yet - don't do it!
The brother of the singer James Ingram was the guest speaker at our hall one Sunday. He could really sing too and you could tell he was sort of holding back not wanting to show off when he sung the Kingdom Songs.
No that was not the reason. He was thinking - am I really singing this sh#t? The devil really does have the best songs...
this time they really did call the police on me lol!
they backed out though, they called, then canceled the call after a while and the police never came to charge me with recording them, pitty really..
there is the link, i was unable to edit the audio file like i usually do to take out the blank spaces and amplify the volume, so if someone could do that with the wav file on the server that would be great!.
OK, so it went much as expected. As usual, no prayers, no scriptures. These people are speaking for God? Yeah, right.
They will be even more convinced they 'have the Truth' now, since any dissenting antics are seen as evidence of persecution and ungodliness in others. You are now history, and there were no tears shed by them. The shepherds lost a lamb, but there is no sadness. A brotherhood of 'intense love'? Get real!
So now move on with your life. Everytime someone asks about your mom on these forums you don't answer the enquirer. She stood by you and she deserves your support. Although this has played out like a game, you must not lose sight of things, especially when the adrenaline rush subsides.
girl's brother testifies father fatally beat her
chicago tribune, united states - 20 minutes ago .
... avenue, chicago.
Who in their right mind would think the doctrines of a fairly common, modern "Christian" religion could have anything to do with the beating-death of a twelve year old girl?!
The WT does not encourage its members to beat their children in this way. However, the religion is certainly not common or modern, and corporal punishment is allowed. It is not unusual for parents to smack their children in the Kingdom Hall. Many Witnesses will claim it is the lack of 'discipline' that causes so many problems with 'worldly' children. Unfortunately, a few parents take it too far. The culture within the Witness community can enourage this:
WTS touting Paradise and obediance demonstrated through strict compliance with rules and subjection to authority. They could follow the instructions. My parent's abusive background and the WTS's authoritative structure, I think, gave my parents the ammunition to punch, hit with brooms, etc.
I personally was often severely beaten by my Elder father. I never thought for a minute to seek the help of other elders. Why not? Reason one was I saw they stuck together. The other reason was because I knew this experience to be true:
The elders had a "little chat" with her, insinuating that she could be DF'd for "spreading gossip" if she told anyone else in the Hall about the beatings ... I'm not sure what happened after that, but the elders were pissed off that she had "brought reproach upon Jehovah's name" by exposing their dirty little secrets.
The Elders are faced with a problem, mentioned earlier:
The Witnesses do not officially endorse beating your children (spanking yes---beating, no), but when they're faced with a mother and/or father that DOES beat their child, the elders are in a quandry: do we do what's right and phone the police and expose the fact that there are Witnesses that beat their children? Or do we value our reputation as "God's Organization" here on earth and figure that ignoring a minor thing like someone beating their child, is a price worth paying in order to keep that reputation?
I personally know of at least two cases, apart from my own, where Elders were told of physical abuse going on and they did nothing. When the mother threatened to take it to the authorites she was told it would bring reproach on Jehovah's name and she should instead concentrate on being a more submissive wife. In the other case, another who wanted to report the abuse was told she could be DF'd for gossipping.
It could happen in other religions. The WT does not encourage abuse like this father and mother performed. But they are being judged by what the do about it, same as the sexual abuse problem, and the Elders and the WT are failing their members big time. And there are HUNDREDS of examples to prove it.